
Industrial Psychologist

Dr Elana Siew

Dr Elana Siew

BCom (Hons) MCom Cum Laude (Stell) MBA (Bond) PhD (UJ)

With a specific interest in Entrepreneurship and women in the workplace,I am an Industrial Psychologist working with individuals and corporates to enhance their human capacity development. I have worked almost across the industry spectrum at a strategic level assisting businesses and individuals to improve their professional performance.

My background combines business with psychology, enabling me to work on various levels within an organisation. Human wellbeing  and flow are primary concerns for me and critical to the overall productivity for an individual and a business.

I worked with a business strategist, so that we are able to provide a holistic approach to organisations. This unique combination of skills ensures that a business is taken care of strategically, functionally and operationally, in terms of systems, structures and people.

My passion is aiding people to achieve their potential and reached their desired goals.

I love bringing out the best of what you can be!

Phone: 082 572 4441

Email: elana@refiningcompetence.com

Web: refiningcompetence.com

Contact Information

12 7th Avenue, Randburg

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